'Línea de vacío' unfolds in the inverse side of an ordinary scenic situation. The musician's setup is turned around and the music is directed towards the anonymous back side of the stage, a space located somewhat out of the audience's reach. This layout intends to create a physical and visual distance with the listener, a borderline demarcated by the performer's correlation of visibility and invisibility.The game between the visible and the invisible delimits the musical boundaries of what 'it is' and what 'it is not', between what is perceived and not perceived, what is associated to a tangible and recognizable sounding source or what is ultimately completed by the listener's imagination. The invisible functions as a metaphor of what is not meant to be shown. It defines a complex space in which the audible achieves a new signification, it is altered, sensed and occasionally recognized.
'Línea de vacío' departs from a change of perspective in which a musical space and a dividing line are created simultaneously: a musical space in which the listening process enters a game of associations between the sound realm and the discourse and a dividing line defined by a rupture between what is seen and what sounds, between gesture and sound.
The aim of this piece is to propose a new access to listening defined by the absence, in most cases, of a clear association between the performer's activity and the produced sound. In this way, a door is opened to the intuition, an invitation to conjecture what happens in the piece's inaccessible 'behind'.
This piece belongs to a cycle of works named 'espacios artificiales', in which I intend to redefine the performer's function in connection to the audience and the transformation of the identity of the instruments in the space in which they are performed.
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